The PSHE Association and Sex Education Forum have launched a joint roadmap to statutory relationships and sex education (RSE). From September 2020 all secondary schools will be required to deliver RSE, and all primary schools will be required to deliver ‘relationships education’. The government have also committed to statutory health education, meaning the majority of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education will be compulsory from 2020.
This free roadmap is a guide to support school leaders in preparing to provide high quality RSE (and relationships education) as an identifiable part of PSHE education and is supported by five leading unions — NAHT, NEU, ASCL, UNISON, and Voice.
The roadmap includes 10 steps based on established good practice and evidence of what works. It provides practical tools and advice for schools on everything from what policies and resources to have in place, to effectively using student voice in developing their RSE provision.
Jonathan Baggaley, CEO of the PSHE Association said:"“There is a great opportunity to ensure every pupil, in every school benefits from high quality RSE as part of broader PSHE education. However, this won’t happen by chance, and schools will need ongoing support from the Government and organisations in the sector to make the most of this opportunity in a way that works for them. Therefore, we value working with the Sex Education Forum on this joint roadmap, and endorsement from the unions for this work. We hope that schools will find the guidance, practical tools and steps valuable. The other strands of PSHE education — covering health and economic wellbeing (and careers) — remain vital in their own right, and also have significant overlap with relationships. Therefore, the Association will continue to work hard to support schools with all aspects of PSHE, so that the subject meets its significant potential for preparing young people for life’s challenges and opportunities”