The PSHE Association welcomed the report launched today by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Education which recommends that financial education is made statutory at primary level and suggests most teachers believe this should be delivered through PSHE education.
Indeed, 90% of the teachers surveyed as part of the inquiry believed that a number of the financial education topics taught within PSHE education should be made a statutory part of the school curriculum.
Responding to the report, PSHE Association Communications Officer Olivia Jardine said:
“We welcome this report from the Financial Education APPG and are delighted to see that the key role which PSHE education plays in the provision of high-quality financial education has been highlighted.
As stated in our submission to the inquiry, financial decisions are inextricably linked with other issues covered through PSHE education, from emotional health to employment. We therefore believe that PSHE education is a natural home for financial education, complementing learning in other subjects such as Maths and Citizenship, and are pleased to see that this opinion is echoed by experts and teachers cited in the report.
However, as long as PSHE education continues to be a non-statutory part of the school curriculum, there is no guarantee that children and young people will receive these important lessons. We once again urge the government to listen to experts, parliamentarians, parents, pupils and teachers, and ensure all children and young people receive the PSHE education that they want and need.”