News and opinion

Our new Chief Executive on joining the PSHE Association

Written by PSHE Association | 3 September 2020

Having just taken over from Joe Hayman as Chief Executive of the PSHE Association, I’d like to introduce myself and highlight some developments this week.

I’m delighted to join the Association at a time of increasing need for high quality PSHE and unprecedented support for it to gain statutory status. During my time as Head of Education at CEOP I saw first-hand the impact of PSHE education on keeping children safe, but more than that, I came to understand the crucial role it can play in improving all children’s lives.

That’s why I’m excited to build on Joe’s great work in making the case for statutory status for PSHE while working with colleagues to give the PSHE community the resources, training and support you need to do your job. I’m really looking forward to working together with you to ensure we can prepare all children and young people for life and work in this changing world.

Developments this week

Politicians have said a lot about equality of opportunity this week and this applies to PSHE provision as much as anything. Our new briefing on the social mobility case for statutory PSHE gathers  evidence that good PSHE can improve academic performance and employability, while making a crucial contribution to pupil health, safety and wellbeing. This can benefit the disadvantaged most, which is why it is so important that all schools provide PSHE education. Given its potential impact on life chances all pupils should have the same access to high quality PSHE education. This means persuading government to make PSHE statutory remains a priority.

So, a lot of work to do together but we’re well placed – with your help – to make significant progress in improving PSHE’s status and quality further.  On that note, I’d really appreciate if you could take 10 minutes to complete our annual survey as it’s vital to understanding your needs for the year ahead and informing the resources and support we develop.

For those of you looking to access some of that support, there are a few spaces left on our Autumn training CPD courses but they’re filling fast – so please book now to reserve your place.

Thank you, we will be in touch soon,


Jonathan Baggaley, PSHE Association Chief Executive