The CPD training and conferences we’re running over the next few months and our recently launched resources will help you to optimise your PSHE education and meet the new statutory requirements head-on — see a selection below:
We have a full suite of CPD days on planning and leading PSHE, and courses covering individual aspects including RSE and Health Education. Here are some highlights from the coming weeks:
Our ‘Understanding PSHE’ (key stages 1 – 4) course in London on 19 March is perfect for anyone new to the subject, or those who have been teaching it for a while without specific training. This course lays the foundations and takes you from the very basics to exploring best practice and planning an effective lesson. It will also support you to teach statutory Relationships, RSE and Health Education confidently within broader PSHE education.
Our 'Preparing for statutory Relationships Education (primary)' courses run on 12 March and 07 May in London and 13 May in Preston. Places are filling up quickly, so book now for the chance to evaluate your current provision and get practical help with safe and effective planning, delivery and assessment of statutory Relationships Education as part of the PSHE curriculum.
Due to popular demand, we’re running our annual conference three times this year and offering three workshops at each event for the first time!
Join us in Leeds (11 June) or in London (18 June and 25 June) and enjoy a full day of practical workshops and informative keynotes covering all the latest developments, statutory changes and the new Ofsted framework. This is your chance to meet like-minded professionals, hear about the latest resources and enjoy a great lunch.
Practical sessions — designed and delivered by our team of Subject Specialists — will cover the key elements of statutory Health Education, RSE/Relationships Education and the broader PSHE curriculum.
Check out our 2020 edition of the freely available Programme of Study for PSHE education (Key stages 1-5). The Programme supports schools to integrate new statutory Relationships, RSE and Health Education content into their broader PSHE programmes. The three core themes of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World provide colleagues with a framework for creating a programme which matches their pupils’ needs.
Also see our Programme Builders (Key stages 1-4) for members of the Association. These offer a range of delivery models (two for primary, two for secondary and one for middle/prep schools) each incorporating: a long-term plan for the year across all year groups; separate grids for each year group, setting out suggested learning objectives for each half-term; and links to resources — both PSHE Association resources and Quality Assured resources — that support each module.
Keep an eye out for more lesson plans coming soon on a number of topics.